Customer Service

A focus on excellent customer service can set SMB Records apart from competitors, providing personalized assistance and support throughout the shipping process.

Specialized Services

Specialized Services: SMB Records may specialize in transporting specific types of goods, such as fragile items or secure documents. This specialization can be advantageous for businesses with unique shipping needs.

Virtual Office Services

Many business address providers offer additional services, such as virtual offices, meeting rooms, and receptionist services. These amenities can give your business a professional edge without the overhead costs of leasing traditional office space.

Local Presence

If your business operates in multiple locations or serves customers in different regions, having a business address in each area can create a local presence. This can help build trust with local customers and improve your brand visibility in specific markets.

Mail Handling

A dedicated business address provides a centralized location for receiving mail and packages. This can be particularly useful for businesses that receive a high volume of mail or operate remotely. Many business address services offer mail forwarding, scanning, or pickup options, which can help you manage your correspondence efficiently.

Is external shredding time and cost efficient

In-house shredding can be time-consuming and costly, especially for large volumes of documents, SMB Records can help. Outsourcing shredding to professionals saves time and allows employees to focus on core tasks, while also potentially reducing overall costs compared to maintaining shredding equipment and manpower.

Client and Employee Trust

Demonstrating a commitment to secure document storage builds trust with clients, partners, and employees. It assures them that their sensitive information is handled responsibly and securely.